We're a unique blend of dreamers, tinkerers, mad scientists, rocket specialists, and engineers

Our vision is crystal clear: to establish ourselves as the premier end-to-end platform for the future of bespoke manufacturing and assembly. We proudly stand as the world’s only large-scale manufacturing entity capable of crafting any aerospace vehicle. Join us as we redefine the boundaries of aerospace production.

Oluseun Taiwo - CEO of Solideon

Oluseun Taiwo

Co-founder & CEO

Oluseun revolutionized the sector with his 3D-printed rocket engines, becoming the first American to launch one in 2017. He spearheaded 3D-printing initiatives at Argonne National Lab and Virgin Orbit and was the driving force behind 3D Systems’ aerospace department, significantly contributing to Ursa Major’s success. A true innovator, Oluseun consistently pushes aerospace boundaries.

Joel Ifill


Joel Ifill has over a decade of engineering expertise, specializing in product innovation. He started as a standout project manager at Bettis before moving to prominent roles in aerospace. In 2017, he founded DASH Systems, aiming for one-day global deliveries. An FAA-authorized airdrop expert, Joel has 5 patents in precision aerial delivery. Apart from engineering, he hosts science shows on platforms like Discovery. Joel excels in leadership, problem-solving, and inspiring his team.

Joel Ifill - CTO of Solideon

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